In a new historical novel Free Love and Nickel Beer, we first meet our fearless protagonist as a young boy. He has just eaten a night crawler in his grandmother’s garden, and the disgusting texture of the slimy worm is something he will never forget. And it gets even better from there…
Author Dr. Paul R. VeHorn, PhD, presents a bittersweet coming-of-age tale replete with hilarious and somewhat embarrassing moments (that night crawler did not go down easy) as well as thoughtful ruminations about the nature of growing up and growing smart.
The story begins with the boy’s eye-opening move from the integrated North to the segregated South. As he becomes a young man and eventually an army recruit, he confronts the best and the worst America has to offer.
His adventures in the army are followed by a number of sexual exploits in New York City and outrageous scenarios in Miami, Florida. It’s the 1980s—business is hot, the booze is flowing, and the women are beautiful.
Amid tales of dominatrices, cocaine cowboys, and surprise strippers, VeHorn weaves a tapestry of personal growth and extraordinary change—a wild ride through iconic latter-century eras in America.